Wednesday, February 2, 2011

10 Months

Only two more months till Steven is a year old! It's happening so fast! I keep looking at pictures of him when he was first born and I can't believe how much he has grown! It just makes me so excited to see what he will become. One thing I really miss about when he was really little was when he used to snuggle with me. He doesn't do it very often anymore, but every once in a while, when he's really tired, he still snuggles, and I love it.
Anyway, here are some pictures we took... We tried putting some gel in his hair and it made it really curly. We thought it was so cute!! So, we might have gone a little overboard with the pictures


the Mom said...

As I told Teej, he doesn't look like a baby anymore! So cute! And I love the first picture. :]

Clay and Katy said...

I love the cute! Jacks hair did that when he was real small and I loved it too! He definitely doesnt look like a baby anymore...oh man!!!

nana said...

No, no -- there is no possible way to go overboard with pictures of Steven! I absolutely love the curls. What a handsome lad, my dear.

Lyndsay Detro said...

He looks like a totally different boy with curls. Too cute! And could those eyes seriously get any bluer?!

Jennie said...

Adorable curls! How does TJ feel about the curls? I notice he keeps his hair pretty straight. Cody on the other hand lets his go as long as possible without getting a haircut. I don't complain because I keep hoping his hair will suddenly start curling, but that was apparently a high school thing. Perhaps I should encourage a haircut!

By the way, Julia, you need to post pictures of your hat! I can't wait to see it!

nana said...

Any mom will recognize the look on your face -- "do I dare be in bliss? In just a second, he'll get up and toddle off to do other things."