Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So we had another doctors appointment today and got some exciting news we weren't expecting! I'm only 16 weeks (and 4 days) along and we knew that you don't usually get to find out the gender until 20 weeks, so we weren't hopeful we were going to get another ultrasound today. We were planning on doing some begging though. So, when the doctor came in to see us, he had his med student check the heartbeat and then said "hmmm, I wonder if that's a boy or a girl heartbeat." We both looked at each other hopefully thinking, "here's our chance to ask him!" and one of us said "that's what we're wondering!" So then, a miracle happened and the doctor said "well, do you want to take a look?" and we both said "YES!" So we headed over to the ultrasound room and got all set up. He prefaced by telling us that circumstances would have to be just right to be able to tell and so not to get our hopes up. So he started looking around, couldn't really see anything, and then all of a sudden got a good shot of the baby from underneath and told us "well, it's a boy!" We were so excited. He then rewound the ultrasound and replayed the moment when the baby lifted his leg and gave the doctor a perfect view (which is what we got the picture of). He then pointed out, "see, there's the scrotum, and there's the wiener!" Very technical terms, I know. So yeah, we're both really excited (though I was convinced it was going to be a girl) to have a little boy in 5 months. We were so excited that TJ decided to go and buy him his first outfit, but then we ended up getting two :) So here are some pictures!


Jennifer said...


the Mom said...

So, Teej, you bought some outfits?? Can this be the same guy who was with me in Baby Gap one time when I was shopping for some of the grandkids, and you said how STUPID you thought it was that people made such a big deal out of buying clothes for babies? Funny how having your own kid changes things, huh? =]

And I'm not gonna lie -- I can NEVER read those ultrasound pics. Just have to take your word for it. Still, very cool! <3

Clay and Katy said...

So exciting!!!!! You have a very cool doc to check that for you already!!

And I am with the outfits! It is funny how having kids changes your opinion on many things!!!!

Unknown said...

How very exciting for both of you! He is one lucky little boy to have such a neat Mommy & Daddy! Congrats!

Lyndsay Detro said...

Yeah! A boy is perfect b/c all his closest cousins are boys. Yeah! And just a word of warning, I don't know what size outfits you got, but 0-3 months will be HUGE on the baby. Better to go with newborn or even preemie. Both Jared and Madison were in preemie clothes when they were born and I wouldn't have considered them preemies.