Tuesday, November 27, 2012


We went in for an ultrasound today. It was the first time we had an actual ultrasound technician do it. Our doctor did all of Steven's plus the first two of this baby's ultrasounds. It was so fun for us to see the technician take so much time to show us the baby and what he was looking at to make sure everything looked healthy. He confirmed that it's a girl! He also mentioned she has a big head. According to her due date the baby is 22 weeks but the technician said the baby's head was measuring at 25 weeks 2 days. We also caught the baby yawning during the ultrasound. She's very cute :o) This is also the first time we got a CD with all of the pictures from the ultrasound so we thought we should post them on our blog!
Butt Crack

Lady Parts

More Lady Parts

Little Feets

Good lookin' arm bones!

Smooshed Face

More Face

Profile, her good side!

She has a cute nose, don't you think?

This is her yawning. The black circle is her mouth closing.

Gun Show

She is very snug.


the Mom said...

Yeah, with the exception of a couple of the shots of her face, I need someone with a pointer outlining exactly what I'm looking at. Those ultrasound pics NEVER make sense to me. But I'm thrilled for you that you got so many this time, and that you got so much info from the technician! Little Lucy Jill. :} Can hardly wait to meet her.

Mandy said...

OMGOODNESS, how exciting!! Congratulations!!! And, I think having one of each is pretty fun. {minus the free hand me down factor} She looks so darling already. Love the side profile and last pic especially....and the gun show. ;) Congratulations, nothing more exciting than a new baby.

Jen said...

that;s awesome that they gave it to you on a cd! It's been a bit of pain for me to get ours scanned. So fun that you're having a girl. :)