So I've been putting off updating the blog because I didn't want to until I could do a post about Christmas, and I didn't have all the pictures I wanted. Well, I'm done putting it off and I'm gonna go for it.
So Christmas was great! It was a much needed vacation, and we loved spending time with family. We had so much fun with both the little kids (reading books, playing wii, shooting darts, and so much more) and the big kids (Jeopardy, nightly games, movies, etc etc). It's especially fun watching TJ when we're around his family because he just loves playing with all the kids. I get tired way to quickly when I'm around kids, but he just loves it! This is a huge comfort for me when thinking about our family that's about to get a little bigger...
TJ wasn't feeling so well when we first left for his parent's house, but I ended up being the one who got really sick (like most of the rest of the people in that house). I felt pretty miserable starting on Christmas day, but realized it was a good thing that I got sick then, instead of when I was home and would have had to miss work. Unfortunately, it took me a pretty long time to completely get over it, and I probably would have called in sick to work if that was even a possibility (the perks of being a manager and having nobody that can cover for me).
Anyway, that's all I'm going to talk about for now. I know this is a really sad excuse for a description of our christmas, but I don't want to be to long-winded either. I know that with no pictures, all this talking is probably starting to get boring. So, I'll call that good for now, but promise to do better for holidays in the future.
Also, these pictures are from a fun little activity we did with some of our friends, America and Tyler, before christmas. We had a blast!
TJ and Tyler both get a little intense while cutting the gingerbread. America and I decided it was best if we just stayed out of it...
So we had our own fun making the frosting in the other room. Doesn't she look like she's having so much fun?? :)
Then it was time to put them together, and we all took that very seriously. See how focused we are??
And here we are with the finished products, though you can't see them very well. I guess we didn't want you to look at them to closely...
Just kidding! Here's a close-up of America and Tyler's
And here's a close up of ours! You can decide which one is better. But come on, let's be honest. The little family and snow man really make the gingerbread house much more personal.
America also made some really yummy wassail. I had never had it before! It was so much fun!!