After our little accident and hour from home because the U-Haul trailer (totaling the truck and damaging a lot of our stuff in the process), we bought plane tickets, packed as much of our stuff as we could, and headed back to Idaho. Our first day back we thought it might be fun to have a bed to sleep on, so having no luck with Craig's List, we bought the cheapest one we could find from The Mattress Place (they sell mostly mattresses there, in case you were wondering) here in town. The mattress was all the furniture we had for a while and so we were forced to spend all our time in the bedroom (because it was the only place to sit! come on guys...)
Once we finally got our love sac that we'd been waiting for since thanksgiving, we were grateful to have somewhere else to hang out. The bed was a little awkward when we had friends over. After that, things really got rolling and after getting some unexpected extra money, we decided to buy a couch and a kitchen table. This place started actually feeling like a home!
Over their spring break, Julia's family came out to visit and brought a lot of the stuff that we'd had to leave home, including a bed frame, a coffee table, and TJ's drum set. We're now on the brink of have to much stuff!
We just recently went up to the Seattle area to visit Julia's sister Hillary and her family and TJ's sister Katy and her family. The trip was amazing and we got some nice weather (TJ ended up with a pretty bad sunburn), though the day we left, it was actually snowing! The snow didn't last to long once we got past snoqualmie pass, which was lucky. That luck didn't last long though... Right past Couer d'Alene we ran into a blizzard. After it got so bad that we were driving around 10 mph or less, we tried to stop at a hotel, but they were all full! We tried to keep going but didn't make it very far before we just pulled off some remote exit and tried to get some sleep. That was only semi-successful since we had to wake up every half-hour or so to heat the car back up. After about 3 hours, we started on the road again. We made it about 45 mins away from home, and a flat tire. After a good samaritan stopped to help us get one of the bolts off, we finally got on our way an made it safely home! After this little adventure along with all our other, we've come to the conclusion we should always fly from now on.
So now the summer semester has started and we're both in school. It's pretty stressful and we don't see each other half as much as we would like, but we're dealing. We've finally gotten most of our apartment decorated, excluding our wedding pictures (Julia's in the process of staining the frames), and it looks great, we think. :) Most of the decorations we got at Ikea while we were in Firth visiting Katy. She's basically our hero now for introducing us to this blessed store. So here it is! We hope you like it....
We love you all! We're going to be lots better about writing on here. We've decided since neither of us are very good about writing in our journals, this is the next best thing! :) Remember, patience is a virtue....